Presentations Staff Research 'Lectorate Music, Education and Society'
You are warmly invited to join us for the Lectorate Event of the Royal Conservatoire on Wednesday 25 January.
During this free public event in Studio 1 of the Royal Conservatoire in Amare, the lectorate ‘Music, Education and Society’ will present the outcomes of the research projects of 2022, as well as introduce the research group of 2023. The meeting is also the festive closing of the lectorate year.
A diverse range of research projects will be presented through presentations and artistic interventions. The programme will include a book presentation by Richard Barrett, whose new publication Transforming Moments is the result of his work in the context of the Sonology Electroacoustic Ensemble and the lectorate over the past years. We are also looking forward to upcoming research projects with the 2023 researchers, who will offer a creative glimpse into their plans. The presentations will be followed by drinks in the canteen.
- 10:00 - Introduction by lector Paul Craenen
- 10:15 - Presentation Aart Strootman - Harry Partch’ Diamond Marimba as a collaborative tool
- 11:00 - Break
- 11:15 - Presentation Joe Puglia - Deep Listening Today: Connecting with audiences through the music and teachings of Pauline Oliveros
- 12:00 - Presentation Susan Williams - Musicians’ Practice, Health and Wellbeing within the Conservatoire
- 12:45 - Lunch break
- 13:30 - Presentation Inês d'Avena & Claudio Ribeiro - Look and listen again: Practical application of an in-depth study of the performance practice of music written in Italy in the early 18th century
- 14:15 - Presentation Heloisa Amaral - The ways we teach: A dossier on different perspectives on higher music education held in conservatoires in Europe and beyond
- 15:00 - Presentation Anka Koziel & Miro Herak - Methodology for developing and internalising rhythm and timing through body movement
- 15:45 - Break
- 16:00 - Presentation Felix Schlarmann - Crossing borders: Frame-working ‘beyond genre’ artistic exchange in a conservatoire
- 16:45 – Book Presentation Richard Barrett - Transforming Moments
- 17:30 - Drinks in De Stadskantine