Publication Event 'Touching: A Research Method in Art & Design'
Please save the date for a festive evening of readings related to the publication of the project 'Touching: A Research Method in Art & Design' of the KABK Design Lectorate.
The Lectorate Design (KABK) is pleased to announce the publication of Touching: A Research Method in Art and Design, the latest title in the KABK Art & Design Research Practices series.
The publication, designed by Niels Schräder, features the research of more than 20 students, tutors, and workshop instructors from the KABK research community, discusses the role of the sense of touch in researching with and through materials, and will offer some modest proposals for a materials and samples archive at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK).
You are warmly invited to join for a celebratory launch event where you can pick up a complementary copy of the book, raise a glass to the contributors, and enjoy some presentations about the role of touch, matter and material in research.
Words of welcome by Ranti Tjan, Director of KABK and Alice Twemlow, Design Lector, KABK, and presentations by and conversations with:
- Petra Blaisse, designer and founder, Inside Outside
- Laura van Santen, architect and tutor, BA Interior Architecture & Furniture Design, KABK
- Cynthia Hathaway, designer, researcher and tutor, MA Industrial Design, KABK
- Erco Lai, designer and alumnus, MA Industrial Design, KABK
- Ada Popowicz, designer and alumna, BA Graphic Design, KABK