Lecture 5 - Decolonising Soil
This fifth lecture will tour through the pre-Columbian Amazon and the Conquest, Europe through the Inquisition and Disenchantment, and the modern era looking for answers on how to decolonise ourselves, our societies, and our soils. Using social permaculture as a tool and looking through the lenses of Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble and Adrianne Maree Brown’s Emergent Strategy, Alfred Decker will propose some ideas of how to build the world we want to live in, right here, right now, within the shell of the collapsing old world.
If you want to participate in this evening around the notions of (social) permaculture and soil remediation with Alfred Decker and Leila Darwish, please send a mail to e.sprey@kabk.nl.
Check the link for details of the programme!