Mixing Methodologies in ArtScience Research
On the 18th of November from 17:00 - 20:30, the ArtScience Interfaculty organises, in collaboration with |>/~\|≥(, an inspiring evening with research presentations and (sound) performances related to the theme of mixing methodologies used for ArtScience research projects.
We will feature the research-in progress presentation and audiovisual performance of Louis Braddock Clarke, a lecture of Ksenia Fedorova and the performance and presentation of Rodrigo Delso and the Zoöp DataFasion ArtScience Team.
It's a public, free event for anyone who wants to join.
For this occasion we have been able to invite researcher and architect Rodrigo Delso from Madrid to join us, who has been guiding this Zoöp DataFusion research project together with Eric Kluitenberg (ArtScience interfaculty). To open up a wider discussion about the significance of this project for new forms of artistic and ArtScience research we have also invited researcher Ksenia Fedorova (Leiden University) and Louis Braddock Clarke (current member of the Research Group of the KABK Design Lectorate) to respond to the project and the presentation. On top of that, Ksenia and Louis will present their research methodologies and current projects as well.
Our aim is to collectively find out what this and similar projects might point out as new directions for (artscience) research, collective art and knowledge production. Next to that, working in challenging contexts, outside the artist studio, has proven to be an exhilarating sensory experience for all involved!
Detailed Programme
- 17:00 Doors open
- 17:08 Few minutes of welcome, by Lianne van Roekel
- 17:10 Introduction to the DataFusion project, by Eric Kluitenberg
- 17:20 Presentation by the Zoöp research team, by Rodrigo Delso & ArtScience Master students, including a sound performance
- 18:00 Response to the DataFusion project, by Ksenia Fedorova & Louis Braddock Clarke
- 18:15 Break
- 18:30 Lecture on mixing methodology in Art and Sciences, by media and media art researcher Ksenia Fedorova (LUCAS, Leiden University)
- 18:50 Experimental sonic work-in-progress field research presentation by Louis Braddock Clarke, giving agency to non-humans through the act of listening, including a 10 minutes audiovisual piece
- 19.10 Q&A and open discussion on all presentations and concepts, moderated by Eric Kluitenberg
- 19.40 Closing