Fault Lines: KABK Research Forum 2024
The Design & the Deep Future Research Group to the sixth edition of Fault Lines, the annual forum where we share and discuss, with the KABK learning and research community, research projects developed in the Deep Futures Research Group.
Each year the KABK Deep Futures Research Group hosts a day of sharing and exchange based on our current research projects. Chaired by Design Lector, Alice Twemlow, the Group is made up of KABK tutors or staff, whose research practices engage with the central theme of the Design Lectorate — making, teaching and researching art and design in the context of climate catastrophe, planetary degradation and the loss of biodiversity.
To help frame and contextualise our work, we will be joined by six special guest speaker-respondents. Each will present their own ways of doing research and provide critical feedback to the Group member researchers.
The presentations centre the processes, methods, questions, and theoretical concepts that fuel the research and are therefore accessible to anyone interested in conducting research through practice. Everyone is welcome to attend all or part of the conference—students, staff, workshop instructors, coordinators, heads, tutors, friends!
Admission is free; reserve your seat in advance sending an email to lectoratedesign@kabk.nl or get your free ticket here
Rehearsing Refusal: Researching with the Body
- 11:00 KABK Design Lector, Alice Twemlow, Introduction
- 11:20 Invited speaker-respondent, Pilvi Takala
- 11:40 Deep Futures Research Group member, Noa Marthe Prins, ‘If Not a Worker, Who am I?’
- 12:00 Deep Futures Research Group member, belit sağ, ‘Embodying the Historical: The Veghel Labour Dispute’
- 12:40 Critical feedback and moderated discussion
- 13:30 Lunch break
Transducing: Researching with Energy
- 14:30 Invited speaker-respondent, James Auger
- 14:50 Deep Futures Research Group member, Boudewijn Buitenhek, ‘Following the Path of Electrons: Energy Use in Artistic Practice’
- 15:10 Invited speaker-respondent, Annika Kappner
- 15:30 Deep Futures Research Group member, Marlot Meyer, ‘Sensitive Systems: Alternative Methods for Mapping Bodies’
- 15:40 Critical feedback and moderated discussion
- 16:30 Tea break
Re-enchanting: Researching with the More-than-Human
- 17:00 Invited speaker-respondent, Kate Scardifield
- 17:20 Deep Futures Research Group member, Cocky Eek, ‘Dark Skies and the Art of Dreaming’
- 17:40 Invited speaker-respondent, Filipa Ramos
- 18:00 Deep Futures Research Group member, Georgie Brinkman, ‘We are Sky-Breakers’
- 18:20 Critical feedback and moderated discussion
- 19:00 Drinks reception, KABK Courtyard