Collaborative Performance by Ensemble Academy & Joseph Puglia
Joseph Puglia has been researching the work of Pauline Oliveros as part of the Royal Conservatoire's lectorate on Music, Education and Society. His research focuses on how we hear and interpret sound, and how we interact with each other through our listening in a live concert setting.
This concert, held on the 15th of October, performed by the Ensemble Academy in collaboration with the Art of Sound department, will highlight how we create meaning in music. It includes five new works by Royal Conservatoire student composers along with seminal works by Oliveros, John Luther Adams, James Tenney, Cornelius Cardew and Milton Babbitt.
15.30 - 17.00h: Deep Listening workshop with Sharon Stewart (Studio 4)
In the last century and the beginning of this one, composer and writer Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016) undertook a lifelong listening journey. From early explorations with portable tape recorders, within the Electronic Music Studios of the 60s and beyond, in educational institutes, with the ♀Ensemble, through Sonic Meditations, and with all those who have been willing to step into the unknown through workshops or retreats.
Deep Listening® is a creative practice involving listening in as many ways possible, discovering your listening habits, and sharing listening and sounding experiences with community. The practice also actively plays with hierarchies that separate composers from performers from audience. Deep Listening is based on the radical idea that everyone can participate in sonic experiences and that everyone can create a score for listening and sounding.
Sharon will facilitate a Deep Listening Workshop before this concert to enliven our senses and offer the opportunity to engage with communal listening practices and scores that have inspired so many to return to the magic of listening.
Sharon Stewart attended three 5-day retreats with PO, IONE and Heloise Gold (2008-2010), was certified in Deep Listening in 2010, and was invited to become a core teacher for the Center for Deep Listening in 2015.
17.30 uur: Concert (Conservatoriumzaal)
- Prelude to Meditation – J. Cage (prepared piano)
- The Tuning Meditation – P. Oliveros (open score)
- Melismata – M. Babbitt (solo violin)
- Koan for solo violin – J. Tenney (solo violin)
- Having Never Written a Note for Percussion – J. Tenney (open score, percussion)
- The Light Within – H.L. Adams (vl, vlc, alto fl, bass cl, pf, perc, electr)
- Treatise (excerpt) – C. Cardew (open graphic score)
'Deep listening is experiencing heightened awareness or expanded awareness of sound and of silence, of quiet, and of sounding – making sounds.'
Pauline Oliveros