To Research or Not To Research in the Post-disciplinary Academy?
On Saturday 16 October the Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) gave a performative talk at the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Lithuania as part of the congress 'X-Disciplinarity in Artistic Research and Related Matters'.
More than 70 artists and researchers joined, in person and online, the four-day event to discuss "To Research or Not To Research in the Post-disciplinary Academy?", addressing questions on artistic research, the nature of its relationship with academia and to artistic practice, the culture sector, and the art world.
The Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG), consisting of four researchers Jed Wentz (ACPA), Thalia Hoffman (ACPA), Lyndsey Housden (KABK) and Justin Bennett (KC), gave a 15' hybrid performative talk entitled 'The Voice; between Body and Imagination' on Saturday 16 October at 10.45 AMS CEST / 11.45 Vilnius EEST.