Symposium - Conversations in and on the Activation of Archives
You are warmly invited to join the symposium Conversations in and on the activation of archives on the 7th of June at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. The symposium will be presented by the Networked Audience of the master programme Photography & Society (MAPS) of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) in collaboration with Nederlands Fotomuseum and Re/CNTR.
With the emergence of digitisation, the entanglement between photography as a contemporary mode of picture production and archives as entities in which photographs are kept has gained prominence in both artistic practices and academic discourses. Digital reproduction of photographs affords modes of distribution in which connections are easily both made and lost while networking audiences in formal and informal ways. Meanwhile practitioners, researchers and audiences are guided by a wide and sometimes wild range of ethical, ideological and economic concerns.
During this symposium, the consequences of these developments and concerns will be discussed through a series of conversations between individuals whose rich spectrum of experiences and expertise result from their diverse artistic and/or academic practices.
These conversations will take place within the exhibition ‘I wish there was color, I wish there was sound’, which displays long term collaborative archive activations initiated by Andrea Stultiens.
A modest lunch and snacks will be provided by the Nederlands Fotomuseum. The symposium is free to attend, but registration is required due to limited available space and seats.