Installation view of 'Until the Buildings Collapse' by Shouyi He (2023, 4:13 min).
Screening of 'Until the Buildings Collapse' & presentation by Shouyi He
Fr 27 Oct 2023 12:00 – 12:30, Lectorate FILM - Auditorium, KABK, Prinsessegracht 4
Shouyi He is a moving-image based artist and researcher recently graduated from MA Non Linear Narrative with his video installation Until the Buildings Collapse (2023, 4:13 min). The new lectorate FILM has organised the screening of his film, followed by a presentation.
In this video installation, he looks into the nuclear family and its interpersonal dynamics under the confines of patriarchy. Shouyi He will be screening the film and giving a talk about his research process, with a focus on the division of house and home, which significantly implies the familial power structures and the relationship with the broader social apparatus, reconsidering the concept of family and how it further leads to the erosion of agency in each family member.