Role-play as an Inquiry Method & Tool for Knowledge Production
Sophie Allerding (she/they) is a multi-media artist and designer. For the Joint Research Day, and in the context of the Politics of Knowledge Research Group, she presents her research processes on developing role-plays as an inquiry method and tool for knowledge production.
Her research revolves around questions such as: how can role-play serve as an inquiry method and a knowledge production tool, providing access to embodied knowledge that may otherwise remain unrecognized within the constraints of oureveryday personas? To what extent can knowledge generated through role-play be applied and integrated into one's real-life experiences?
In her artistic practice, role-play has consistently been a method of engagement and production. During her Master’s thesis, she began experimenting with role-play not only as a method but also as an artistic outcome. These experiments led to reflect upon her own research methods and prompted her to delve deeper into this area of research.
She approaches the research through three distinct methods: firstly, by participating in role-play games to observe and reflect on the knowledge produced both individually (inside herself) and within group dynamics. Secondly, by designing role-plays, often in collaboration with other artists, to explore the knowledge generated within the group concerning specific thematic contexts proposed by the designers. Lastly, by hosting a series of radio shows, under the name Radio Séance, where she invites fellow artists who employ role-play in their artistic practice and research. These shows feature practical demonstrations, experiments, and interview conversations, making aspects of my research accessible to a broader audience. The radio shows are published on Radio Echo and available on Radio Echo's online archive.
Both leading photo and photo below are from the role-play The Last Submarine, a climate fiction scenario depicting water scarcity in a speculative future where sea levels have risen. This role-play was co-created with artist Jana Romanova in September 2023.