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Kalina Vlodovska

Kalina (1999, Bulgaria) followed her Bachelor study in the Prins Claus Conservatorium and Master study at the The Royal Conservatoire The Hague (KC).

Throughout her study years she has won a number of awards, the most recent ones – Artist in Residence Muziekzomer Gelderland 2023, first prize of Princes Christina Competition 2019. Her musical path has led her to a number of performances as a soloist of orchestras, such as NJO, JON, Sofia Philharmonic and others. Alongside solo performances, Kalina is an aspiring young creator and in 2024 is collaborating on original projects with the MAAT quartet and dancers from Poetic Disasters Club. The percussionist is member of the ensemble The Percussion Pool, regular guest at HIIIT and performs in orchestras, such as NedPhO, Radio Phil, NNO, NBE, Nederlands Kamerkoor and AFAS Circus Theatre.


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