Reading Group - Suzanne Adema selects Marco Caracciolo and Karin Kukkonen
The LUCAS research reading group The Role of Experience in Arts of Criticism, Rhetoric, and Aesthetics is dedicated to examining affective, cognitive-enactive, and new materialist approaches to the arts, and open to all interested in the experiential interactions between the arts (in a broad sense) and viewers–readers–makers.
It's open to anyone interested in experiential interactions between art, its makers, and their audiences.
Our LUCAS colleague Suzanne Adema has selected, and will introduce, some chapters from Marco Caracciolo and Karin Kukkonen, With Bodies. Narrative Theory and Embodied Cognition(2021): the introduction 'Positioning the Embodied Reader', chapter 1 'Spatial Metaphors for Immersion, Transportation, and Presence', and, if there’s enough time, chapter 9 'Entanglements: Embodied Narratology Meets Literary History, Posthumanism, Computational Intelligence, Gender/Sex, and World Literature.'
If you like to join this session on the 10th of January, or have suggestions for future sessions, please contact Sophie van Romburgh, s.van.romburgh@hum.leidenuniv.nl.