Experiencing Text and Textile, with Barbro Scholz and Li Lorian
In this session researchers Barbro Scholz and Li Lorian ask the following questions: How does light feel on the body? What sort of togetherness is there in reading text?
They will explore tangible and intangible experiences of voice and textile light. In their practice, both artists are interested in ways of communicating aesthetic experience. Procedures of documentation and transmission bring up questions concerning audience, spectatorship and participation in the art field and artistic research. We aim to open up for participative thinking and valuing aesthetic and experiential knowledge of ourselves and others.
Artist and designer Barbro Scholz deals with experiential qualities of tangible (textiles) and intangible (light) materials, and how their interplay invites for novel forms of performativity.
Performer and artist Li Lorian is interested in practices of reading text, to oneself and out loud, voicing and finding new means of commonality. Both of them have an interest in movement, affect, and entanglement to be investigated in a playful, participatory, collaborative research. This session is a great opportunity for them to find ways to share their yet unformulated thoughts in an experiential method with an audience.