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T. Krijgsman, Royal Academy of Art, Van Mourik Architects, KABK Archive

Royal Academy of Art (KABK)

The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) has been a leader in educating artists and designers since 1682. Highly skilled professional staff with international professional practices, guide and accompany students through their studies.

Research is an integral component of the learning culture at the KABK.

The KABK believes in lifelong learning and offer a School for Young Talent, preparatory courses, bachelor's and master's degree programmes, and a PhD programme in collaboration with Leiden University. Together with the Royal Conservatoire (KC), they form the University of the Arts The Hague.

Research at KABK

Research has gained increasing importance in artistic and design practices in recent decades. The 21st century artist or designer is what philosopher Donald Schön has called ‘The Reflective Practitioner’ in his seminal 1983 book with the same title. This means that their expertise should include an understanding of their artistic position and how their work relates to the world and to the work of others. Conducting and sharing research is central to that competence.

There is a strong focus on research within the study programmes at the KABK. Research is also conducted by tutors at the KABK. The three lectorates (Lectorate Art Theory & Practice, Lectorate Design & the KABK/KC lectorate FILM) play an important role in nurturing and coordinating research by tutors and in developing the research aspect in the curricula.

The particular complexion of research at the KABK is characterised by its intensive collaboration with Leiden University. Through these activities the KABK hopes to contribute to the discourse and practice of research-driven art and design. The outcomes of research by students and staff are shared through multiple channels including exhibitions, performances, publications, and symposia.

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