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Photo credit: Kalina Vladovska

'Inseparable': Music and Dance in a Cross-Disciplinary Practice

Fr 22 Nov 2024 15:45 – 17:00, Interdisciplinary Practices in Arts Research - Studio 1, 4th floor KC (Amare)

The presentation of Kalina Vlodokska observes the artistic creative process of a crossdisciplinary theatrical dance and percussion performance 'Inseparable'.

The performance 'Inseparable' is a cross-disciplinary performance about the relationship between technology addiction and human communication.

The presentation discusses and analyzes the process and methods behind the creation of the piece; the pros and cons of dance-percussion collaboration, and of working as a team of performer-creators; the involvement of a director; the creation of the final performance with a technical crew (light & sound); and the emergence of a mutual artistic language.

The cast includes Zaneta Keşik and Matija Franjes - two dancers (doubling as choreographers), and Jo.o Brito and Kalina Vladovska - two percussionists (doubling as composers), creating the narrative, dramaturgy, choreography and (some of the) music on their own. The director, Rene. Spierings, was invited to be an external coach. Teus van der Stelt and Maurits Thiel - light and sound artists - took care of the final presentation. The four performances took place during and thanks to Muziekzomer Gelderland 2023 and were produced by Jarick Bruinsma. Furthermore, in the research I discuss the social impact of the project’s themes – technology addiction and human communication - and I examine a number of reactions and feedback from audience members.

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