Photo credit: Alex Schröder, 2023
Transformative Transdisciplinarity, by David Ludwig - Environmental Humanities Leiden University
Fr 24 May 2024 15:15 – 17:00, (Hybrid) Lecture - P.J. Veth building, room 0.05, Leiden
The guest for the 11th Environmental Humanities LU talk on the 24th of May is David Ludwig of the Wageningen University.
David is a philosopher of science, who is working on questions of science, indigenous knowledge, and environmental and social change. His talk will be based on a book manuscript entitled 'Transformative Transdisciplinarity' which explores the question if transdisciplinary research methods can lead to a more inclusive and equitable form of science.
The talk will be co-organized with Fenneke Sysling’s ‘Global Histories of Knowledge' group.
Zoom link: https://universiteitleiden.zoom.us/j/68966149274?pwd=ZEpXWjZWYTFaRnFrSUtUbWlCTFhqZz09