A Song Born out of Research about Artistic Research
Anastasia Loginova interviewed 12 artists and professionals in the field of artistic research and asked them the two following questions - what is artistic research and what are some of its methods?
The interviews took place in the form of meetings, voice notes and email exchanges and were transcribed and compiled into a body of text. After that, the text was poetically digested to compose poems out of the transcribed material in word form. During the last step, the poems were sent to mantra singer songwriter Elke Brouwers who, inspired by the poems, composed the song Re Search, about ‘finding back’ the core. According to Brouwers, any research, whether it is analytic, artistic or spiritual, is about going inside, following that line inwards, into the depth of being.
For the occassion of the Joint Research Day, and in context of the Politics of Knowledge Research Group, singer songwriter Elke Brouwer composed Re Search. The song, to which you are welcome to sing along and add your voice, will be presented together with the collection of poems published in an Anthology of Poems about Artistic Research.
- Evelina Domnitch
- Renske van Vroonhoven
- Jana Romanova
- Robert Pravda
- Jan Dirk Adams
- Janice McNab
- Lucy Cordes Engelman
- Clara Pallí Monguilod
- Nele Brökelmann
- Ludmila Rodrigues
- Clara Json Borg
- Elke Brouwers