About PARC
Lectorates & PhDs
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"An Actor Prepares": A musician's approach to a selection of techniques by Konstantin Stanislavski
Research Catalogue KC
Forbidden Beauty: Performance Practice of un-notated arpeggio in fortepiano music in late 19th Century
Research Catalogue KC
Piano four-hands, "once again"
Research Catalogue KC
Reading Garoto – a study over the legendary musician who changed Brazilian music.
Research Catalogue KC
The Prolonged Touch: Finger Pedaling and Legatissimo in Classical and Early Romantic Piano Music
Research Catalogue KC
Keys and Cords: A Comparison of Piano and Vocal Teaching Strategies
Research Catalogue KC
Research Catalogue KC
Man's struggle for salvation: A programmatic interpretation of Franz Liszt's B minor Sonata
Research Catalogue KC
SIMPLICITY OF STRONG EMOTION: Study on the performance style of Frederic Mompou based on his recording of Cants Màgics
Research Catalogue KC
Two Viennese piano schools: Beethoven and Hummel
Research Catalogue KC
Historically Inspired Improvisation - Improvising on basis of 19th-century music making
Research Catalogue KC
KEYBOARD MUSICIANSHIP: "Developing a methodology through musical repertoire"
Research Catalogue KC
Deliver the meaning - Performance expression in a physical shape
Research Catalogue KC
APPROACHING IMAGES: A Journey from Imagery to the Concrete
Research Catalogue KC
The Development of the Performer's Role in Karlheinz Stockhausen's Piano Works
Research Catalogue KC
Romanticizing Brahms: Early Recordings and the [De]Construction of Brahmsian Identity
Research Catalogue ACPA
Transcribing Rachmaninoff’s Variations on a Theme of Corelli for Orchestral Ensemble.
Research Catalogue KC
Extended Piano Techniques in Theory, History & Performance Practice
Research Catalogue ACPA
The influence of some characteristics of Romanian folk music on the Romanian Rhapsody no. 1 opus 11 by George Enescu – An arrangement for 2 pianos
Research Catalogue KC
Rethinking the traditional concert format through the lens of Russian mystic composer Nikolai Obukhov
Research Catalogue KC
Barry Harris: Exploring the Diminished
Research Catalogue KC
Pim Witvrouw
Bert Mooiman
Guy Livingston
Luk Vaes
Heloisa Amaral
Anna Scott