About PARC
Lectorates & PhDs
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From Potential To Performance. Training Practice and Performance Preparation in Conservatoires
Research Catalogue KC
How can aspects of the Kodály philosophy and methodology be integrated into instrumental education?
Research Catalogue KC
Apollo’s Banquet for children: Teaching baroque music to the young violinist
Research Catalogue KC
Collecting Repertoire for Kodály-inspired Music Lessons in Dutch Elementary Schools
Research Catalogue KC
How to use feedback, advice and judgement after an exam
Research Catalogue KC
Intention-based Piano Pedagogy
Research Catalogue KC
Violin education in middle childhood
Research Catalogue KC
To understand staff notation aurally
Research Catalogue KC
How Obvious is the Artistic and the Musical Expertise of the Music Teacher?
Research Catalogue KC
Help! A Talent! The Student-Teacher Relationship in Higher Music Education
Research Catalogue KC
Maarten Cornel