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Documentation of 'Fault Lines' now online
Fault Lines: KABK Research Forum 2022
Phónè and the political potential of metal music : a scholarly intervention
Research Catalogue ACPA
Grenzen van het hoorbare: over de meerstemmigheid van het lichaam
Research Catalogue ACPA
Searching for the Siren | Exploring contemporary vocal aesthetics
Research Catalogue KC
OBOETRY – French poetry played in melody: a poetical & vocal approach to French 'mélodie' on oboe
Research Catalogue KC
Developing Vocal Techniques in Contemporary Solo Double Bass Repertoire: A pedagogical approach to developing vocal techniques and coordination in Western classical-contemporary solo double bass repertoire
Research Catalogue KC
Keys and Cords: A Comparison of Piano and Vocal Teaching Strategies
Research Catalogue KC
Finding one's own voice as an indigenous filmmaker
Research Catalogue ACPA
(2019) The Singing Violin: Portamento use in Franz Schubert’s violin music
Research Catalogue KC
Assemblies of Listenings and Voices Across the South
21 Aug 2022 — 25 Aug
, Gathering - Akademie der Künste Berlin Hanseatenweg
Fault Lines: KABK Research Forum 2022
09 Dec 2022
, Research Forum - KABK Auditorium, Prinsessengracht 4, The Hague
Anna Marieke Zijlstra
Jed Wentz