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#performance practice
Between Performance and Notation: How did Carl Reinecke understand Mozart’s piano concerto No.26 K.537?
Research Catalogue KC
The Informed Performer
Research Catalogue ACPA
Romanticizing Brahms: Early Recordings and the [De]Construction of Brahmsian Identity
Research Catalogue ACPA
What late medieval chant manuscripts do to a present-day performer of plainchant
Research Catalogue ACPA
Poiesis and the Performance Practice of Physically Polyphonic Notations
Research Catalogue ACPA
Die Partimenti von Giovanni Paisiello Ansätze zu ihrem Verständnis
Research Catalogue ACPA
A modern analysis of Historical Informed Performance: considerations about the method, its past and its future
Research Catalogue KC
Josef Beer - The perfect clarinetist
Research Catalogue KC
A Study on Ornamentation and Expression in French vocal Music (1650-1750)
Research Catalogue KC