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The appearance of the sound
Research Catalogue KC
E quando mai potro cessar di piangere ? : an exploration of the links between arias with obbligato instruments and musical affects in Antonio Caldara’s oratorios composed between 1716 and 1736 for the Habsburg’s Hofmusikkapelle in Vienna
Research Catalogue KC
The bassoon in Barcelona in the second half of the XVIIIth century
Research Catalogue KC
Investigating smaller bassoons from the XVIII and XIX centuries, with practical performance on a Baroque fagottino
Research Catalogue KC
Searching for the Top Range in Early Nineteenth Century Bassoon Repertoire from Sweden: Issues of Material and/or Technique?'
Research Catalogue KC
Repertoire for a Swedish bassoon virtuoso: Approaching early nineteenth-century works composed for Frans Preumayr with an original Grenser & Wiesner bassoon
Research Catalogue ACPA