About PARC
The Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration (PARC) is a new online and offline platform for researchers working in and beyond the fields Art, Design and Music.
|> /~\ |≥ ( is an initiative of the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of the Leiden University (ACPA) and the University of the Arts The Hague, comprising the two faculties of the Royal Conservatoire The Hague (KC) and the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK).
With the establishment of the platform, the three institutions aim to increase the exchange of knowledge, experiences and public events, stimulate collaboration and increase the visibility of research processes in and with the arts. Besides, they aim to deepen their own (internal) collaboration and to create opportunities and alliances with other organisations, in and outside the field of arts research.
Vision on Research & Collaboration
Research in the arts is driven by a creative and artistic approach to curiosity and engagement with the world. Collaboration between and beyond disciplines can enrich and inspire research in the arts. Sharing experiences, approaches and networks increases researching artists’ capacity to tackle complex societal problems.
As a joint initiative between the three institutions, this platform encourages encounters between performing arts and visual arts research practices. The platform also fosters research built on collaborations at the intersection of artistic practice, art education, academia and society.
Through its annually changing theme(s), online presence, physical events and public discussions, |> /~\ |≥ ( offers a platform that acts as a connector, a bridge, to make research processes and outcomes more visible and accessible.
|> /~\ |≥ ( aims to create new connections and possibilities within the extended network of researching artists, students, and teachers in the Hague, Leiden, and beyond.
The approach of |> /~\ |≥ ( to research is pluralistic and solidarity based. It emphasises the central role of artistic practice, whilst acknowledging different possibilities of what research in and with the arts is.
The website of |> /~\ |≥ (
|> /~\ |≥ ( launched as an online platform (still under development) for our research community in July 2022. It aims to function as a ‘switchboard’ between all the existing digital entities of our arts research landscape.
On top of that, the output of finished research published in the Research Catalogue (RC) has been connected to researchplatform.art. The RC is already being used extensively in the staff research & education of the Royal Conservatoire and the Academy of Creative & Performing Arts (ACPA). The Royal Academy of Art will follow mid-2023. This means that all open publications from the RC can consequently be found via researchplatform.art through the search option.
In this, tags are key!