The booklet 'Bridging Distance: Artistic Research During a Pandemic'
Publication 'Bridging Distance: Artistic Research During a Pandemic'
The publication 'Bridging Distance: Artistic Research During a Pandemic' presents the outcome of the Research Group 2020-2021 of the Lectorate Art Theory & Practice (KABK).
The participants of the research group were Dina Danish (Bachelor Fine Arts KABK), Maya Rasker (PhDArts/ArtScience/lectorate KTP), Ludmila Rodrigues (ArtScience/ Preparatory year KABK/KC), Loek van Vliet (Bachelor Photography KABK). The Research Group was chaired by Janneke Wesseling.
If you would like to receive a copy of this publication, please contact acpa@hum.leidenuniv.nl or get your (free) copy at the ACPA office, PJ Veth Building, second floor, room 1.10.