Call for Proposals: Research Group KABK 'Politics of Knowledge'
This is a call for KABK employees to join Politics of Knowledge, a new research group organized by the Research Lectorate Art Theory and Practice headed by Prof. Dr. Anke Haarmann. You can apply until Monday 31st of October 2022.
How is (artistic) research undertaken?
What do alternative forms of knowledge look like?
Who determines the relevance of these forms?
What is our own context?
Are we asking the right questions?
Who has access to this research group, and based on what criteria?
In his inaugural lecture at the Collège de France in 1970, Michel Foucault claimed that 'in every society the production of discourse is at once controlled, selected, organized and channeled - by certain procedures whose task it is to tame the forces and the dangers of discourse, to banish its unpredictable eventfulness, to circumvent its heavy and threatening materiality'. These ideas have been elaborated upon by Pierre Bourdieu who, in Homo Academicus, refers to academia as a "social field", drawing attention to the "contexts of production and use" in which the sciences and humanities are situated. This argument is still relevant today.
There is an urgency for critical thinking and making. Artistic research is well placed to address this need. Though creative practices are gradually becoming more accepted as producers of knowledge, they are still undervalued and underutilized in a broader disciplinary context. As main actors in artistic research, we, at KABK, need to ask questions regarding the connection between truth and power, politics and knowledge, exclusion and inclusion. We must address topics otherwise considered irrelevant, marginal, ephemeral, material, small and subjective. We also need to think about how to justify this less conventional research approach, not only against more traditional practices, but also in the context of "alternative truth" or "fake news".
KABK employers are part of an institution that is both unusual (artistic) and ordinary (state). Politics of Knowledge will question and test alternative knowledge production and research approaches. Projects will be discussed and developed, texts will be read, speakers will be invited and public presentations will be made. We also plan to collaborate with various political and scientific institutions in The Hague.
Meetings 2022-2023
The group will meet between November 2022 and October 2023, one Monday per month from 16.00 to 18.00.