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Alex Schröder & Royal Conservatoire

Call for proposals EPARM 2024 - 18_Nov_23

The 11th EPARM conference welcomes music researchers, educators, performers and composers to a three-day exploration of artistic research in music at the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

This Open Call is open until 19th of November 2024.

Presentations relating to any aspect of Artistic Research in music are welcomed but the peer review panel will prioritise presentations that give some consideration to one or more of the following:

  • Artistic Research in the Anthropocene;
  • Artistic Research in social contexts;
  • Our relationships with repertoires old and new explored through Artistic Research;
  • Holding theory and practice in balance in, or through, Artistic Research;
  • Interrogating the idea of ‘innovation’ in Artistic Research;
  • Developing open, critical and nurturing research cultures for Artistic Research.

Proposals can be sent to present and/or perform in two different formats:

  • Parallel Session: 20 minutes presentation (including any performance or examples) followed by 10 minutes facilitated audience discussion. Proposals should address a clear question or questions that are rooted in practice.
  • Not-the-L8Nite Performances: 30 minutes performance followed by a 10 minutes facilitated audience discussion. Proposals for Not-the-L8Nite Performances should clearly address the relationship between the proposed performance and the artistic research of which it is an outcome.

To support the development of excellent Artistic Research at the masters and doctoral levels, joint applications are invited from students and their supervisors (or other institutional representative), where the supervisor will engage in a dialogue with the student and initiate a conversation with the conference delegates. Participants opting for this format should indicate this in their proposal. Please note that students may also apply to present ‘solo’ in formats described above.

Complete submissions have to be sent to Beatriz Laborda at beatrizlaborda@aec-music.eu using the compulsory templates available on the call's webpage.