Call for Proposals 01_12_22: Lectorate Music, Education & Society '23
The lectorate 'Music, Education and Society' invites KC teachers and artist-researchers with a master’s degree to send in research proposals, before the 1st of December '23, for a limited number of one-year research positions, starting in February 2023.
The lectorate focuses on the changing role and meaning of musical expertise in contemporary culture and society, and on the consequences of these changes for the curriculum of higher music education. Research proposals should clarify how they contribute to the development of artistic practice, and how they directly or indirectly benefit education, knowledge exchange and collaboration within the KC and/or strengthen the ties between conservatoire education and society.
- An overview of current and finalized research projects of the lectorate can be found here.
- An overview of the current research group can be found on the research pages of the KC.
- On the website you can also read more about the research mission and vision of the KC.
This call is open to teachers in all departments who are contractually employed by KC. Unfortunately, this call is not for guest teachers working for KC on a freelance basis.
(Format) Application
We welcome ambitious and risk-taking projects, but we also stress the importance of a well-defined methodology and realistic aims. Projects may be defined more concretely after discussion with the lector. Accepted candidates are expected to deliver a tangible research result (format to be discussed) at the end of the allocated term. The lectorate will take care of monthly research group meetings and facilitate expert feedback and supervision. Selected candidates will be expected to attend all research group meetings, in which they present their progress, give feedback and discuss questions related to methods, processes, and modes of dissemination. The KC supports research group members to present their work at relevant conferences in The Netherlands and abroad.
You can use this format for the application (max 1000 words in total).
Deadline 1st of December
Applications should be sent to Roos Leeflang (r.leeflang@koncon.nl) before the 1st of December 2022. Selected candidates will receive a confirmation by 21 December 2022.
Don’t hesitate to contact Paul Craenen (lector, p.craenen@koncon.nl) or Roos Leeflang (coordinator lectorate, r.leeflang@koncon.nl) for more information about the selection procedure, the research trajectory and support.